Tuesday, January 18, 2011

themes and thoughts from The Sphairos

Unity. "Not I, but the world says it. All in one" - Heraclitus

Unity to Faith: we must lose in order to gain. we must doubt in order to believe. but more than that. every loss is a gain, and every doubt is a belief. what happened once may not happen again but we don't really believe that. we know from our experience of the world, of the seasons, that all things come again.

Faith: "Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed" John 20:29

Faith to Happiness: Would you trade heaven later for happiness now? (something to hint at here with the people having sent to settlers out to build a heaven for them)

Happiness: "I cannot tell whether what they call happiness is happiness or not" Chuang Tzu

Happiness to Peace:  Perfect joy is to be without joy. it is not conscious of being joy.

Peace: "The way up and down is the same" Heraclitus

Peace to Pleasure: "Even sleeping men are doing the world's business and helping it along" Heraclitus. beneath the surface, forces are acting. though the sleeper sleeps, his awakening is certain. it is inevitable.

Pleasure: "Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is not enough" Chuang Tzu

Pleasure to Hope:" Now you get what you want do you want more?" Bob Marley

Hope: "Every desire predicts its own satisfaction" Emerson

Hope to Anxiety: "Those who are bound by desire see only the outward container" Lao Tzu

Anxiety: "Dogs bark at strangers" Heraclitus

Anxiety to Reason: One thinks the way one is taught to think, but one feels only as one feels

Reason: "Not because of what he has learned, but because of what he has unlearned" Chuang Tzu

Reason to Alienation: "In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments. There are consequences" Robert Ingersoll

Alienation: "I is an other" Rimbaud

Alienation to Error: "Do not make the kingdom of heaven a desert within you" The Gospel According to Thomas

Error: "The sun is one foot wide" Heraclitus

Error to Fear: "Justice stalks the liar and the false witness" Heraclitus

Fear: "Fear is the power of darkness" Dialogue of the Saviour

Fear to Force: "Everyone knows this, that weakness prevails over strenght" Lao Tzu

Force: "Success is nothing to be proud of. Failure is no shame" Chuang Tzu

Force to Sorrow: "Achievement is the beginning of failure. Fame is the beginning of disgrace" Chuang Tzu

Sorrow: "Nature never deceives us. It is we who deceive ourselves" Rousseau

Sorrow to Insight: "There is no sin, but it is you who make sin" Gospel of Mary

Insight: "Rule a nation as you would fry a small fish" Lao Tzu

insight to Justice: "By letting it go, it all gets done" Lao Tzu

Justice: "Too much and not enough" Heraclitus

Justice to Loss:  "There are times when even justice brings harm with it" Sophocles

Loss: "Fire catches up with everything in time" Heraclitus

Loss to Unity: "The sun is new every day" Heraclitus

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