Sunday, January 23, 2011


Maybe show some dream/nightmare both the first and second niights? Plastikate the manikin in the hell department store where feet are sold instead of shoes, and hands instead of gloves? All very casually done?
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the dream will be in two parts on consecutive nights. on the first night, we are walking through a normal department store (Macy's like) with rings of glass cases (like jewelry cases) on either side of a pale-yellow tiled walkway. The cases are opaque so we cannot see what's in them. Likewise, the whole dream sequence is blurred, and we are approaching the cash register counter in one of the rings of display cases. Elevated on a higher display case above us and just to the left side of the cash register, we see a head-and-shoulders coming into focus. She is all white and bald but clearly feminine with a dainty beauty. Around her neck is a sparkling sapphire necklace. Her head is titled so she is looking down at us. She has a wistful, sad expression on her face. She is the only object that comes into focus (gradually) and as we draw close, she is sharply in focus. The moment we stop moving, her eyes suddenly open - they are the same sapphire blue as her necklace, and her mouth opens and draws in a gasp - at that instant we hear the alarm clock buzzing and the scene disappears.

On the second night of the dream the same creature is our friend and we are behind the counter chatting happily with her. (Again, we are not seen in the dream, only she is, and we see the scene from the other side, from behind the cash register). We do not hear the words distinctly, only pleasant murmurings, This time the store is in focus and we can see that the display case below her contains fingers, hands and wrists of various shapes and sizes. While she is talking, the camera drifts to the case below, where there are an assortment of toes, ankles and feet. We distinctly hear her whisper 'Someone's coming' and the camera quickly jerks up to eye level where a woman without eyes is standing - her face is the opposite of the manikin. It looks just like her but is full of color and makeup, even around her eyes, which are blank and white like a ancient Greek statue. She smiles and politely says, in a proper British accent, 'where is your optical department?', and, after a beat, the alarm sounds again ...

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